If eligible, you're entitled to 15 funded hours per week within each school term.
You will be eligible if you are getting a form of support, as below or:
From April 2024. 2 year olds for working parents can get 15hrs funding childcare.
Both parents (or 1 if single) must work min 16 hours a week and earn less that £100k each.
Apply for the code on the Gov website via childcare choices website below.
Income Support .
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
Income based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
All claimants of Universal Credit Max income of £15,400.
Tax credits (Child or Working) and have an annual household income under £16,190 before tax .
Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit .
If they’re looked after by a local council .
They have a current statement of special education needs (SEN) or an education, health and care (EHC) plan.
they get Disability Living Allowance .
They’ve left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order.
Support under part VI under immigration Act 1999.
Child get DLA.
Other forms of support may apply.
Age Conditions:
The Child must be 2 years old before the start of the school term.
If 2 years old after the start of the current term then it starts at the beginning of the next term.
Funded hours (max 38 weeks) apply during school time and a exclude school holidays.
Apply viaSandwell Family Information Services
and www.Childcarechoices.gov.uk website.
Little Saplings does have the facility to check if you are eligible
andmaking an assisted application.
© Copyright Little Saplings Childcare Centres